

America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 Episode 5

Put Your Best Face Forward
Photo Shoot: Ellis Island Immigrants

First Call-out

Tahlia Brookins

Call-out Order: Teyona Anderson, Allison Harvard, Natalie Pack, London Levi-Nance, Aminat Ayinde, Celia Ammerman, Fo Porter, Sandra Nyanchoka


Kortnie Coles

Note: This episode was full of shit really. Excuse the pun. There are a lot of things that were wrong about this photo. I understand what they are going for but I just hated what Tyra and her gang pulled up with. Oh my god. This photo shoot is so distasteful I want to gag. Seriously? This looks as worse and as useless as Cycle 1's Wonderbra photo shoot. Next, what's up with Benny Ninja? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the guy, I think he is fabulous but what has he got to do with the photo shoots? An expert contortionist of some sort on Ellis Island? Yeah right. Exposure much? Also, speaking of exposure, what the F%&k is wrong with the judges giving Tahlia the first call-out? Is their serious lack of judgement that bad really? Hello? London? Doh. Also What the F*%k is wrong with the judges in this cycle? Sandra over Kortnie? What the?! Sandra looks like Dennis Rodman for crying out loud! AGAIN, I have nothing against Dennis Rodman or any people of color but I do believe and I feel so strongly for this, that Kortnie's photo is way WAY better than Sandra's (in all possible angles). C'mon! Benny Ninja looks more feminine than Sandra here! What a rigged show ANTM is. Nuff' said.

Photo Credits: ANTM / Brian Edwards

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